úterý 21. října 2014

avconv: Encoder 'aac' is experimental and might produce bad results. Add '-strict experimental' if you want to use it.

I was trying to rotate some of videos from my iPhone on ubuntu using avconv (ffmpeg).
After a quick googling, I got this command (http://askubuntu.com/a/228588):

avconv -i in.mov -vf "transpose=1" out.mov

In case of my videos, it failed with: 

Encoder 'aac' is experimental and might produce bad results. 
Add '-strict experimental' if you want to use it.

To save you some time, here is how to put the parameter correctly:

avconv -i in.mov -vf "transpose=1" -strict experimental out.mov

Note: I wasn't investigating the cause of it, or any better solutions, because this just worked for me. 


pondělí 13. října 2014

Login component UX fail

My client emailed me a login information to www.whmcs.com today.
The concentration of UI/UX fails on one simple thing as a Sign in component just struck me.
It struck me so hard, that I had to write about it.
  1. On a completely first sight, you don't see a username / password fields so you have to focus a little bit and look for it.
    Ok, this is not that big deal. User already has an account. You won. But still, if I find myself looking for something in the UI, I know there is something fishy.
  2. I find the link in the top right nav. Hurray. When hovered, a login form is displayed. Sweet.
    I know, that I have the username / password in the email. I also know that i will have to copy/paste two items. And because I want to do things efficently, I don't want to hover the link again when I go with the password. (you know, keyboard is faster)
    So I click the link. Assuming, it will take me to a typical login page while I will copy the username. Nothing happened. Why the fuck would you put a pointer cursor on a thing, which does nothing when you click it. And most importantly, why on earth it does nothing?
    Even though there is a page for login herehref="javascript:void(0)". Seriously???
  3. So I was thinking little bit. Maybe the author of the widget was clever enough that if I fill in the username, the login form will not disappear and I will still be able to paste the password easily without touching my mouse.
    Nope. But what is even worse. The form disappears when you put the cursor away. Even if you have a focus on the field and typing. What the hell.
  4. I want the site to remember me, because I don't want to torture myself again next time. I click the label "remember me" and nothing happened. In that moment, I was assuming, that the UI guy never heard of a label element. I click the checkbox directly and log in.
    While writing this, I have checked again and there is actually a label element used. So clicking it works. Why it did not work before?
    I have misclicked it because the label text is small. As it was not as important as the other fields. Haha.
  5. Some of you could argument back, that if I want to do things fast on keyboard, why didn't I just Tab into the checkbox. But anyway, it doesn't justify the smaller font on it.
    But if I did use my keyboard, I would probably want to Tab onto "login" button either. You hit Tab, hit space and the page scrolls halfway through. Whaaat? After the checkbox, "Forgot password?" link is focused. 
I would like to congratulate to the guy who did it. For concentrating so many UI/UX mistakes in one tiny place.

The sad thing is that plain html login form, built without any css or javascript features, would offer better UX than this component. In which tens of minutes of work was invested for sure.

I know. Deadlines, budgets and bullshit. But it is you and your work. Either keep it simple, or do it right. I wouldn't mind the login form to be on a separate page. Nobody would.